Perilaku Investor Muslim Dalam Bertransaksi Saham di Pasar Modal
Abstract: This research aims
to know the muslim investor behavior in a stock transaction in capital market.
This research used the qualitative approach, using the case study method by
basing on the theory of behavioral finance.Data collection using a purposive
sampling technique to determine informants amounted to five muslim investors
who at least has a two year stock transaction to be interviewed in depth, observed
and evaluated the data by performing a triangulation.
The results of this research have findings that muslim investor behavior
in a stock transaction is divided into two point of view that is, investors who
consider religion in their investment decisions and the invetor did not
consider religion in their investment decisions. Investors who consider
religion in their investment decisions preferring stock composition of the
incoming Sharia index list and nature of investments tend to be long term.
Investors who do not consider religion in choosing his investment decision
stock blends well in the Shariahcompliant index or not. The nature of
investment investors who did not consider the short term nature of the
Keywords: Muslim Investors
Behavior, Rational Behavior, Psychological factors, Religiuos Behaior, Stock
Trading Decisions
Penulis: Pramita Agustin,
Imron Mawardi
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd141268