Nutritional and Albumin Content of Swamp Fishes from Merauke, Papua, Indonesia
Abstract: Study on chemical content
of swamp fishes from Merauke has been conducted to obtain nutritional
status of these fishes. Sampling was
conducted twice (August and November
2015) in Merauke. There were six dominant fish species, namely striped
snakehead (Channa striata), nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), tade gray
mullet (Liza tade), philippine catfish (Clarias batrachus), barramundi (Lates
calcarifer), and climbing perch (Anabas testudineus). Result on proximate
analysis showed that the fishes had moisture content of 75.73±0.25%-81.45±0.04%,
ash 0.94±0.01%-1.26±0.21%, protein 17.11±0.09%-18.92±0.05%, and lipid
0.59±0.19%-3.80±0.63%. The dominant essential amino acid of 6 swamp fishes from
Merauke was lysine followed by leucine. Meanwhile the dominant non-essential
amino acid was glutamic acid (32.26+0.61 mg/g), followed by aspartic acid.
Calcium (Ca) was the dominant macro mineral for all fishes studied, being the
highest was in nile tilapia (328.76±8.14 mg/100 g). Micro mineral was dominated
by the presence of Selenium (Se) which the highest was in nile tilapia
(0.084±0.005 mg/100g). These fishes were also rich in albumin, being the
highest was stripe snakehead (138.59±1.68 mg/g). The average of total fatty
acid showed that the fishes had saturated fatty acid (SFA) content of
46.30±0.27%, monosaturated fatty acid (MUFA) 9.20±1.6% and polyunsaturate fatty acid (PUFA)
34.49±0.44% of total fatty acid. From the result, it can be concluded that fish
harvested from swamp of Merauke and surrounding area had a good nutritional
Keywords: sw amp fish,
Merauke, nutritional status, albumina
Author: Rini Susilowati, Sugiyono,
Ekowati Chasanah
Journal Code: jpperikanangg160038