Fatty Acid Profile, Carotenoid Content, and In Vitro Anticancer Activity of Karimunjawa and Lampung Sea Cucumber
Abstract: Fatty acids and
carotenoid has been known as an anticancer agent on both preventing and
treating cancer disease. This study was conducted to analyze the fatty acid
profile, carotenoid and in vitro anticancer activity of 12 sea cucumber
harvested from Karimunjawa and Lampung waters. The aim of the study was to
determin the potency of sea cucumbers as raw material for nutraceutical
products. Fatty acid profile and carotenoid content were characterized by gas
chromatography and spectrophotometry techniques, while in vitro anticancer
activity was assessed by MTT assay against cervix (HeLa), breast (T47D and
MCF-7) and colon (WiDR) cancer cells. Results of the study showed
polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) dominated the composition of fatty acids in
the samples from both locations. Holothuria sp. was detected to contain the
highest amount of carotenoid. Furthermore, the highest in vitro anticancer
activity was detected also in the sample of Holothuria sp. The activity of 30
ppm Holothuria sp. extract against HeLa cell was detected to be almost equal to
the 5 ppm doxorubicin control. Concentration of 5 ppm Holothuria sp. extract
also showed positive result in killing 50% of MCF-7 and T47D, but capable to
100% kill HeLa and WiDR cells. At concentration of 25 ppm, the extract was able
to kill all the 4 cells tested. Statistical analysis showed the amount of
carotenoid and two particular fatty acid compounds (docosadienoic and
eicosapentaenoic acid) significantly (P<0.05) contributed to the cytotoxic
activity that was found in the sea cucumber samples. Those compounds were found
in highest concentration from Holothuria sp harvested from Lampung waters, thus
being the most prospective raw material for nutraceutical or functional food
ingredient with anticancer potency.
Keywords: anticancer,
carotenoid, fatty acids, sea cucumber
Author: Ekowati Chasanah,
Yusro Nuri Fawzya, Kustiariyah Tarman, Hedi Indra Januar, Muhammad Nursid
Journal Code: jpperikanangg160039