Abstract: The study was
carried out in Brebes District, the North coast of Java. Tiger shrimp farming
in Indonesia, particularly in this area faced some problems which caused by
improper pond preparation, disease, and low seed quality. Probiotic was applied
in pond to solve this problem. The aim of this study was to evaluate the
production of tiger shrimp in ponds with probiotic applications. Six
experimental ponds (each measuring 0.5 ha) were selected of which three were
probiotic ponds and three were controlled. Tiger shrimp postlarvae (PL-30) were
stocked at density of four shrimps/m2. Tiger shrimps were reared for three
months. Shrimps were fed by commercial pellet. In the first month, shrimp were
fed about 7%-5% of the total biomass; in the second months, 3.5%-3% of the
total biomass; and in the third month, 2.5%-2% of the total biomass. The
treatments in this study were the application of probiotics with concentration
of 3 mg/L that were given every five days and control (without probiotics). The
results showed the rearing period was 92 ± 6 days in probiotic ponds and 76 ±
16 days in controlled pond. The shrimp in controlled pond should be harvest
earlier caused by the high mortality. The average final weight was 16.2 ± 0.7 g
in probiotic pond and 15.6 ± 1.9 g in controlled pond. The survival rate was
64.13 ± 12.63% in probiotic pond and 44.17 ± 14.15% in controlled pond.
Production was 208 ± 46 kg/pond/cycle in probiotic pond and 123 ± 6
kg/pond/cycle in controlled pond. The result showed that probiotic plays an important
role in maintaining water quality parameters and health management as well as
increases the survival of shrimp.
Keywords: Penaeus monodon;
productivity; probiotic
Author: Irsyaphiani Insan,
Endhay Kusnendar Kontara, Raden Roro Sri Pudji Sinarni Dewi
Journal Code: jpperikanangg150057