Abstract: Identification of
growth hormone (GH) gene in a target fish is the first step in the construction
of “all fish genes transfer vector” to generate transgenic fish. The research
was done to identify and characterize the GH gene of Pangasionodon
hypophthalmus. There were several activities performed in identifying the GH
gene: RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, PCR amplification, and DNA fragment
isolation. The characterizations were done using the nucleotide sequencing
engine ABIPRISM 3100. The results were then analyzed using BLASTN/P and GENETYX
version 7 program. The full-length GH gene of P. hypophthalmus was 1151 bp in
length, coding for an open reading frame (ORF) of 603 bp. The 5’ and 3’
untranslated regions of the GH gene were 22 bp and 526 bp long, respectively.
The GH gene of P. hypophthalmus had some common characteristics that are owned
by GH genes, such as single tryptophan residue (W) on the 104th amino acid, 5
cysteine residues (C) on the amino acid 71, 135, 173, 190, and 198 and a motif
of Asn-Xaa-Thr on C terminus which is the potential location for N-linked
glycosilation. Polyadenylation signal (aataaa) was on the 14 bp at the upstream
of polyadenylation location. Growth hormone of P. hypophthalmus consisted of
over 200 amino acids from GH cDNA deduction. The highest proportion of amino
acid composition was leusin (14%) while the lowest was tryptophan (0.5%).
Keywords: Pangasionodon
hypophthalmus; GH gene; identification; characterization
Author: Raden Roro Sri Pudji
Sinarni Dewi, Agus Oman Sudrajat, Alimuddin, Komar Sumantadinata
Journal Code: jpperikanangg090017