Implementasi Algoritme 3DES pada Sistem Sharing Electronic Health Record (EHR) Berbasis Cloud
Abstract: Electronic Health
Record (EHR) or medical history has been widely adopted to enable healthcare
providers such as hospitals, insurance companies, and patients, to create,
organize, and access EHR information from anywhere and at any time. From a
health standpoint, to improve the quality of patient care, an EHR storage
center is needed to ensure the EHR's novelty at all times. This underlies the
need for an efficient, safe, and inexpensive mechanism for sharing EHR among
health care providers. Cloud Computing has become a promising paradigm and
gains more attention from academia and industry. This paradigm shifts the
location of the computer infrastructure to third parties. Cloud computing not
only increases the efficiency of storage and exchange of medical data but also
allows accessing medical data from anywhere and anytime. In this paper, a
mechanism of cloud-based sharing system equipped with the 3DES algorithm to
secure health history data and the use of the smart card as a medium for
controlling patient information access is proposed. The results of the tests
indicate that the built system has fulfilled the security requirements such as
privacy, authentication, confidentiality and integrity.
Penulis: Haryadi Amran
Darwito, Mike Yuliana, Reni Soelistijorini
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170490