Sistem Load Balancing Menggunakan Least Time First Byte dan Multi Agent System
Abstract: Network activity has
increased in every year due to rapid growth of internet users. This phenomenon
eventually increases the load server. The high load on server makes server
down. The proposed system to handle the issue is using Least Time First-Byte
algorithm and multi-agent system in distributed load balancing. The agent
collects information resources on the backend servers and communicates with the
agents. The Least Time First-Byte algorithm is then combined with the
information resources from the agent, called as Least Time First Byte with
Multi Agent System (LFB-MAS). The simulation results show that LFB-MAS performs
load balance efficiently to all server and provides better performance. The
LFB-MAS can process 100% from the 1,800 requests, whereas WLC algorithm is only
capable of processing 74.50% from 1,800 requests and LFB without agent is only
capable of processing 75.61% from 1,800 requests. The results prove that
LFB-MAS can handle high tasks or requests and is reliable.
Penulis: Muhammad Faizal
Afriansyah, Maman Somantri, Munawar Agus Riyadi
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170491