Pengembangan Metode Pengamanan Data Menggunakan Teknik Interpolasi antar Piksel dan Reduced Difference Expansion
Abstract: In this
globalization era, the internet has been the main media which everyone used to
exchange information, from the public such as sport to top secret such as
military data. Hence, the requirement of data hiding method called
steganography is rising. Steganography is hiding the secret information into
another media so that it could be transferred publicly, but only the authorized
users could access it. There were two main problems in the data hiding
technique: the capacity of the secret and the quality of the generated stego
data. In this proposed method, we combined digital image processing called
interpolation, used it to predict the new pixel value to hide the secret bit in
purpose to increase the bit data capacity with the consequence the reduction of
the stego image quality. The experimental result showed that the capacity has
increased from that of the previous research.
Keywords: Data hiding;
information security; network security; reduced difference expansion;
Penulis: Lidya Amalia
Rahmania, Tohari Ahmad
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170322