Robot Pointer sebagai Penunjuk Jalan Tim SAR untuk Mempermudah Pencarian Korban Bencana Gempa
Abstract: An earthquake is a
natural disaster caused by the movement of the earth plates or from below the
Earth surface. The impact of the earthquake could lead casualties and other
losses whether material or immaterial. The evacuation process of the victims
must immediately proceed. The SAR (Search and Rescue) team has a duty to rescue
victims who trapped in the rubble of the building. But information about the
position of the victims could not be known precisely, and the environment
around the location of the disaster is still very dangerous that might endanger
the safety of SAR Team. In this research, a robot path pointer was designed to
help SAR team in locating the victims. The method used in this research is the
robot wirelessly controlled by SAR team at SAR team’s post with remote control.
The robot searches in the rubble of the building and sends the victim’s
location information to SAR team. This robot pointer research aims to find safe
routes for SAR team of the victim’s location to reduce the risks that may harm
the SAR team. The robot will give the main results of the pointer in the form
of location coordinates and routes of the victim so that the SAR team only have
to follow the route. Robot pointer guides the SAR team to the location of the
earthquake in a short and less risky path for victim evacuation.
Penulis: Syadza Sausan, Bima Sakti, Hendrik Leo, Achmi Yuliani, Intan
Permatasari, Aulia Rahman, Mohd Syaryadhi
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170321