ABSTRACT: Good learning
process must contain interactive aspects, fun, challenging, motivating and
provide more space for students to develop their creativity and independence,
according to their talents and interests of students. An exciting medium of
learning also indispensable for vocational students, because in vocational learning
prioritize practical rather than theoretical. Need to be considered in the
selection of media that is the purpose of learning, effective, easy to obtain,
learners, use, not rigid, cost, and quality. One of the developments of
instructional media which still new is learning media by using Augmented
Reality. Augmented Reality is a merger of real-world applications to the
virtual world in the form of two-dimensional and three-dimensional projected in
a real environment at the same time. Augmented Reality can be used in
entertainment, medical, mechanical, and learning media. Augmented Reality can
be built using Vuforia and Unity 3D software. The final result in the form of
interactive learning media with Augmented Reality.
Penulis: Ilmawan Mustaqim,
S.Pd.T., M.T, Nanang Kurniawan
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170223