Abstract: Relief is onenf the
decorations which was carved on the wall of temple.The most of the relieves of
East Java style have rather flat form as wayang, different from the relieves of
Centre Java style which have realistic form. There was the relief narrative
Atjunawiwaha which was carved on the wall of Selamangleng Cave, which have an
education values which was necessary to the continue generation to face the
epoch challange globalisation. This matter to remember the education values of
Indonesian more pale. Although properly the .,ducation values which was still
relevance with the epoch development 2006/2007 percisted were defended, and the
culture which not relevance with the need of Indonesian society could be left. In
the asceticism scene contains belief in One God element, because the reached of
purpose asceticism of was determined by the One God. It was location of the
education value which was necessary planted to the children early. In the
Goddess scene was expressed freely and naturally. The describe of female person
who tempts a male person, conform with the character of East Javanese include
the female person, who has the extrovert character. It's different from the Centre
Javanese who has the introvert character. There was also the ethic and aesthetic
value, that was described in the Goddess scene with low level, it means they
honor Atjuna. In the Bethara Guru scene gave a Pasopati heirloom to Arjuna to
killed Newatakawaca, indicated that Arjuna was responsible to reach the purpose.
The scene of Arjuna and Dewi Supraba went together to k.iIIed Newatakawaca,
indecated there were an union and unit value between the Arjuna and Supraba.
Thus in the relief of Selamangleng Cave contains a lot of educational values
which was necessary transmited to the continue generation.
Penulis: Y. Murdiyati
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd070020