Abstract: This study aimed to determine whether there was a relationship between perceptions of health and safety (K3) with the employee’s commitment. Employee commitment was defined as a relationship between employees and the company as employee orientation in companies where they willing to donate their energy and bind themselves through activity and involvement in the company to achieve its targets. Health and Safety perception (K3) was an employee views on what company givento maintain and guarantee their employee safety and health at work.This study subject was 30 employees at PT. Rahayu Trade & Contractor Yogyakarta. The sampling technique used in this study was the technique of random sampling or disordered. The data obtained were processed using Pearson product moment coefficient analysis and measuring equipment used was the scale of Health and Safety perception (K3) (r = 0.917) and the scale of employee commitment (r = 0.446).Based on the analysis obtained the value of r xy = 0.013 (p <0.05), which meant that there was a positive relationship between that two variables by 13.1%.
Keywords: employee commitment, perceptions of health and safety (K3)
Penulis:  Emilia, Adi Heryadi
Kode Jurnal: jppsikologikepribadiandd150074

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