Abstract: This study aimed to find and determine the relationship between the intensity of parent communication with teenager aggressiveness. Subject in this study was 50 students obtained through purposive sampling. Parent intensity communication was scaled by the intensity of parent communication. The intensity of parent communication scale had coefficients reliability of 0,894. While teenagers aggressiveness was measured by a scale of teenager aggressiveness. Teenagers scale had a reliability coefficient of 0,835. The result showed that there was a relationship between the intensity of parent communication with teenager aggressiveness. From Parents communication with teenager aggressiveness there were coefficient r = -0.615 with significance or p = 0.000. It showed that there was a significant correlation between the intensity of parent communication with the aggressiveness of teenagers in SMK Panca Bhakti.
Keywords: Parents Communication, Teens Aggressiveness
Penulis: Eka Pratiwi, Evianawati
Kode Jurnal: jppsikologikepribadiandd150073

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