Abstract: This study aimed to
determine the relationship between social maturityof students in SMA Negeri 1
Lendah with their ability in resolved social conflicts at school. The
hypothesis of this study was a positive relationship between social maturity of
students with the ability to resolve social conflicts, in this case meant that
more high their social maturity, more positive their ability to override the
social conflict. The subjects were 480 students of SMA Negeri 1 Lendah from
period of 2014/2015, with 96 student’s sample, which was determined by the
stratified sampling procedure in proportional approach. Methods of data
collection using ware a scale that includes social maturity scale and ability
to resolve conflicts scale. Data analysis used was statistical methods. Once
the data was tested first with normality test and linearity test then tested by
used correlation techniques. The data processing was carried outwith computer
program SPSS version 20. The results showed that the hypothesis suggested a
positive relationship between social maturity of the student's ability to
resolve conflicts andit was accepted. It was shown on the value of the
correlation coefficient (r) of = 0.767, with the fact that social maturity was
strong enough to be used as one of factors that affect students' ability to
resolve conflicts. It was supported by effective contribution of social
maturity variable given against student’s capability to resolve conflicts by
Penulois: Brimantoro
Supriyadi, Evianawati
Kode Jurnal: jppsikologikepribadiandd150072