Abstract: This study was aimed at developing module
material for Guidance and Counseling teachers to increase the psychological preparedness
of senior high school students in facing natural disasters. Using the research
and development approach, the researcher involved 48 Guidance and Counseling
teachers in the special region of Yogyakarta as research participants for needs
assessment purposes. The modules were tried out to Guidance and Counseling
teachers of senior high schools in the special region of Yogyakarta, involving
6 people at the initial field, 15 people at the main field, and 65 people at
the operational field. Instruments applied to collect data were either opened
or closed questionnaires. The collected data, the quantitative as well as the
qualitative ones, were analyzed descriptively. Results obtained from this study
are: (1) Material required by Guidance and Counseling teachers for module of
psychological preparedness in facing natural disaster cover cognitive aspects ( 14,58%), affective
aspects ( 31,25%) and psychomotoric aspects ( 52,08%); (2) The module of
"Personal-Sosial Guidance for increasing Psychological Preparedness of
Students in Facing Natural Disasters" cover three activities of personal-sosial services, each to face
natural disasters of (a) earthquake, (b)
mount eruption, and (c) tropical cyclone; and (3) The module validated is
valued proper either in appearance or
in concept, and is also useful as media
for assisting to perform service of personal-sosial guidance to increase
psychological preparedness of senior high school students in facing natural
disaster. Further, the module is valued as “self-contained” for having
fulfilled acceptance criterion (subjects reaching 80% of minimum understanding)
at the test of content understanding and module readability.
Penulis: Yulia Ayriza
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd090149