Abstract: In existentialism,
the existence of one thing is always in the company ofone or more other things.
Thus, to give a correct idea or to avoid misunderstandings of the use of the
predicate unggul as in terms like bibit unggul, sekolah unggulan, produk
unggulan pendidikan, and others, it is morally imperative for the users of such
terms to provide the terms with their contexts to determine whether unggul
means 'prime', 'superior', 'competitive', or any other. Instances of such
contexts can be of appearance or performance, of a long or short term, of
current objectives or future goals, of individuals or the community, of individual
or social needs, of national or international needs, of inclusive or exclusive
purposes, and others. Even now, the writer is still of the belief that the
usage of those aforementioned terms in the field of education in Indonesia is
still more as jargon rather than basic concepts. Indeed very rarely or even
never does the public, particularly those who are very much concerned with the development
of education in Indonesia, to get a thoroughexplanation of those terms
Penulis: Gunawan
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd070022