ABSTRACT: In individual and
organizational manner, society has a motivation to establish Islamic education
(Pondok Pesantren/ madrasah/ school) in order to meet their needs of education.
As a matter of fact, it can be found that the school is built in limited resources.
They are supported by the high level of religious spirit. Based on its
quantity, percentage of those schools are over than 90% that belong to the
society. The rest of them is 10% belong to the government which is categorized
as a state school. Spirit of Islamic society to establish educational
institution is supported by several things such as, Islamic teaching motive,
preservation of parental beneficiary, strengthen of organization (regeneration
of human resources empowerment), competition of influence, social demand,
messages from the public figures and science development motive. This
educational institution establishment motive is certainly has an implication to
management and leadership pattern such as management of the institution which
is tradition based instead of professional manner based on particular skills
such as human skill, conceptual skill, and also technical skills in integrated
way. As a result, there is no any fixed plan and also distribution of power
equally. Implementation of Islamic education in any motive will get stagnant if
it is not professionally and innovatively done. The institution will be exist
if there is a change, innovation, professional management, accountability of
financial statement, and human resources empowerment. It is necessary for
Islamic education institution to have a future oriented thought in order to
improve quality of the institution instead of their own group, tribes, and
Penulis: Muchammad Eka Mahmud
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd120501