ABSTRACT: There are two types
of language acquisition, Natural and formal. In natural type children usually
got their second language through their interaction with their friends when
they are playing. For adults, they got their second language through their
interaction with their community. The community “force” them to learn or
understand the laguage used by the most speaker at the place. So, the person
can speak the language without learning from formal school. Indonesia formal
type, a learner has to follow the lesson inside of classroom under guidance of
teacher. It is not true the statemant said that formal type will have a better
result Indonesia language learning. Behavioritic theory told us that language
or second language can reach through practicing the language Indonesia
speaking. Because of that, someone who wants to master a language has to
receive stimulus and answer the stimulus given. But mentalistic theory told us
that language is innate owned by human being as a gift inside of their mind.
The theory tols us that language is not a habit. Because of that human doesn’t
need learn their language. They will master language or second language through
interacting with other people. There are 4 factors that influence the language
acquisition. First is motivation from inside of the learner. Second is age of
the learner. Third is taching and learning process and the last is first
language which was masterd by the learner.
Penulis: Shafa
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd120502