ABSTRACT: Having contact with
Greece philosophy thought, Moslems are inspired and obsessed to develop
knowledge. In the historical spectrum of thought development, Moslems have
shown the significant progress in the era of Ummayah and it came to the highest
level in the era of Abbasiyah. In that historical context, it can be seen from
many experts of Moslem in various field of knowledge such as Al-Kindi
(801-837), Al-Farabi (W.950), and Ibn Maskawaih (W.1030) who concern in the
field of philosophy; Ibn Sina (980-1037) and Ibn Bajah (1160-1138) who are
experts in medicine, Jabir Ibn Hayyan (720-815) and Al-Khawarizmi (780-850) who
are experts in chemistry and mathematic, and also Al-Thabari (839-922), an
expert in history and law. In the historical perspective, it is clear that the
body construction of Islamic knowledge which is broad and deep was established
on the basis of cooperation and openness with other nations including Greece.
Penulis: Muh. Idris
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd120490