Abstract: The purpose of the research is to describe the informal caregiver hardiness of the patients ostegenesis imperfecta. Subjects of the research are two mothers that have children with OI The method of the research that using in this research is qualitative method with phenomenologist approach, that purposed to learn more intensive on subjective aspect human behavior with tray to get in subject conceptual life. The process of collecting is done through interview, after that coding the result interview so result of the data in the form transcript (verbatim). The analyzing the data with analysis thematic and interpreted base on theory that has relation with researcher’s variable.
Results of the research on the subject using the theory of hardiness by Kobasa (in Kreitner & Kinicki, 2001) the three aspects are: commitment, control and challenge shows that, a mother that became an informal caregiver has a hardiness. Both subjects have the three aspects, but in the aspect of the subject I better control of the subject II. The first subject more optimistic in living her life .
Kata Kunci: Hardiness, caregiver informal, osteogenesis imperfect
Penulis: Endang Suryaningsih, Ummil Khairiyah
Kode Jurnal: jppsikologikepribadiandd160039

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