Abstract: The Effectiveness of
the Principal’s Internal Dimensions in the Instructional Leadership. This study
aims to investigate and analyze the effectiveness of internal dimensions
related to the principal’s instructional leadership in SMP Negeri 2 Glagah,
Banyuwangi. This study involved 140 participants as the sample, selected using
the purpose sampling technique. The data were collected using a Likert-scale
questionnaire and were analyzed using the descriptive technique. The results
indicated that the internal dimensions were very effective, shown by (1) the
indicator of the school’s mission, with a score of 516.3 and a percentage of
93.939%; (2) the indicator of the instructional organization with a score of
525.5 and a percentage of 93. 839%; (3) the indicator of instructional practice
improvement with a score of 511.0 and a percentage of 91.25%; and (4) the
indicator of positive school climate improvement with a score of 490.6 and a
percentage of 87.611%. On the whole, the mean score of internal dimensions
related to instructional leadership was 510.85 with a percentage of 91.22 %.
Penulis: Sri Surachmi
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd110407