Abstract: Effects of School Context Variables on Physical Education Teachers’ Value Orientation. A school is a laboratory for teachers to implement a variety of professional competencies. The condition of a school can inhibit or support them to realize their potentials. Teachers’ knowledge, understanding, attitudes, willingness, and value orientation are believed to determine the success of the curriculum implementation. This study aims to find out how the school conditions affect thetendency of physical education teachers’ value orientation. This study used asample of 30 physical education teachers at primary schools, purposively selected.The data were collected using the Value Orientation Inventory (VOI) developed byEnnis and Chen. The results show that class sizes, facilities, and social environments affect the types of TVO that teachers inculcate to students through the teaching and learning process. However, the students’ conditions do not affectthe types of TVO.
Keywords: class sizes, facilities, social environments, students’ conditions, teacher value orientation
Penulis: Adang Suherman
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd100244

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