Abstract: This article
analyzes the existence of Madrasah Mamba’ul Ulum, HIS Kasatryan and HIS Pamardi
Putri in the political constellation of the movements in 1920s.These
educational institutions were established in
the area of the Kasunanan Palace. Madrasah Mamba’ul Ulum consisted of
elementary school, junior high school and senior high school, catering for
children of abdi dalem (servants in the palace) and those of lay people. On the
other hand, HIS Kasatryan and HIS Pamardi Putri were elementary schools for children of lower aristocrats. The founders of the
institutions gave freedom to the managers to make decisions concerning
education (school-based management) in terms of the curriculum, teachers,
learning materials, learning strategies,
and evaluation system. Even society members were allowed to take part in
the implementation (community-based education). The local contents, the
Javanese culture and Islam were the
subjects that guided the students’ ethics and moral so that they developed as
individuals who were responsible and just and capable of protecting their
fellow people.
Penulis: Hermanu Joebagyo
Koder Jurnal: jppendidikandd090145