Abstract: An Analysis of the
Validation of the Quality Achievement Tests in the Learning Program
Implementation. This study aims to investigate the test types developed by FE
YSU, the steps of the development and validation, and the quality based on
theories. This study was a survey involving 192 lecturers who taught basic
science and technology subjects in the odd semester of 2008/2009. The sample,
consisting of 92 lecturers, was selected using the proportional random sampling
technique. The data were collected through documents and questionnaires and
analyzed using the descriptive quantitative technique. The results showed that
1) 55.42% of the lecturers developed essays tests for measuring learning
achievement, 13.03% developed objective tests, and 31.55% combined both; 2) in
the test development process, 35.87% made the test blue-prints and 23.92% did
not; only 13.59% developed new tests, 2.74% used old tests, and 46.19% combined
the old tests with the new ones; 3) 54.89% rechecked the tests and 3.73% did
not, 25.50% rechecked the tests by themselves and 17.85% rechecked the tests
with group members of the same subject, 2.18% had other lecturers fully check
the tests, 32.85% rechecked the essay tests, 11.18% rechecked the objective
tests, and 91% rechecked mostly the relevance between the test and the learning
competence; and 4) theoretically, 87% of the tests developed by lecturers were
good in terms of the essence of the test quality. However, there were still
some weaknesses in the clarity or the function of pictures and the scoring
procedure of each test item (in essay test) and the homogenity of the option
length (in objective tests).
Penulis: Sudji Munadi
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd110399