Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Konsumen Memilih Kolam Renang Muslimah Al-Hikmah Sport Center di Surabaya
Abstract: The purpose of this
study is to identify factors that influence consumers on choosing Al-Hikmah Sport
Center Muslimah Swimming Pool in Surabaya. It related to increasing of people’s
awareness to do physical activities, especially swimming.
This study used quantitative research methods with exploratory factor
analysis. Characteristics of the respondents in this study is Muslim consumers
of Al-Hikmah Sport Center Muslimah Swimming Pool that have come at least twice
in a last month. Sample amount on preliminary test by doing written interview
are 20 respondents and the main test need 125 respondents. Sampling technique
that used is non-probability sampling. Sampling was done using accidental
sampling and purposive sampling.
The results of the study showed that there are six factors that influence
consumers on choosing Al-Hikmah Sport Center Muslimah Swimming Pool in
Surabaya. The sixth factors are named by the factor of similarity motives,
securities, location, facilities, water qualities, and the experiences.
Keywords: muslim consumer
decision, muslimah swimming pool, similarity motives, securities, locations,
facilities, water qualities, experiences
Penulis: Anneke Ratnasari
Hardianto, Ririn Tri Ratnasari
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151425