The Development of Interpretataion Method For Remote Sensing Imagery In Determining The Candidate of Landslide In Leitimur Paninsula, Ambon Island

ABSTRACT: Remote sensing is one of the methods used to address the problem of research on spatial data acquisition technologies and is also acquiring the problems of territorial and land resource management. The utilization of remote sensing method for the landslide research is visual and digital imagery interpretation. The purpose of this study was to compare the accuracy of the method of interpretation and determine the location of the landslide event. The imagery that used in this study was Landsat 8, Quickbird and SRTM. The method that used to determine the candidate of landslide was the layered visual interpretation, digital imagery interpretation with NDVI, OBIA, Toposhape, and combination-OBIA NDVI and NDVI-OBIA-Toposhape. The use of the interpretation method for the landslide event is the best of layered-visual interpretation with a percentage of 90%. Digital interpretation with NDVI has a 47% of its accuracy, thoroughness OBIA 45%, Toposhape 47%, the combination of NDVI-OBIA 47%, and the combination of NDVI-OBIA-Toposhape 53%. From  the layered-visual interpretation and field observations were obtained type of landslide found that soil rotational slide in large quantities 7 points (38.9%), creep soil (soil creep), the flow of material destruction (debris flow), landslides translation with soil materials (earths slide) and multiple rotational slide.
Keywords: Development, Method, Imagery Interpretation, Remote Sensing, Candidate of Landslide, Landslide and Leitimur Jaizirah
Penulis: Ferad Puturuhu, Projo Danoedoro, Junun Sartohadi, Danang Srihadmoko
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd170457

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