Farmer’s Household Economy working on conflict areas in The Meru Betiri National Park
Abstract: Forest land conflict
in Meru Betiri National Park is considered as one of the kind of land conflicts
in the forest conservation of Indonesia. The conflict has been taking place
between MBNP and the people who live around the forest area (Wonoasri, Sanenrejo,
Andongrejo, Curahnongko, and Kandangan) since 1998. The purpose of this
research is to know the history of land conflict in Meru Betiri National Park
and the impact of land rehabilitation on farmer's income This study was
conducted in 2016. Qualitative research was conducted to obtain the historical
information of MBNP land conflict and the survey was done to collect data of
contribution of cultivation activities in the rehabilitation land (conflict
area) on the income of farmers. The forest land conflict took place due to the
vacant authority of the central government in 1998 which spread to the local
government, so the government is not able to control the illegal harvesting of
forest resources and forest area encroachment conducted by the public. In 1999,
the local politicians of Indonesian Democratic Party proposed to the Ministry
of Forestry in order the conflicted area of MBNP can be cultivated by the
people around the area. In 2000, The Forestry Minister issued regulations
stated that the assigned land is a rehabilitation zone. The rehabilitation zone
must be planted with Multiple Purposes Tree Species (MPTS) and seasonal crops
by using agroforestry system. The purpose of MPTS planting is for reforestation
and the seasonal crops plantation is addressed for increasing the income of the
farmers. After implementing the program
for 15 years, the income generated from the rehabilitation land only Rp.
3,517,100,- (US $ 1 = Rp. 13,400,-) per year or 14,49% of the total income of
the farmers. The income from the rehabilitation land contributed as the third
source of incomes b esides the non land-based sources of income and the income
from migrated remittance.
Keywords: land conflict, Meru
Betiri National Park, farmers income
Penulis: Purwanto, Sigit Andy
Cahyono, Casimerus Yudi Lastiantoro, Nana Haryanti
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd170466