Perubahan Suhu Tubuh Dengan Metode Kompres Hangat Pada Dinding Abdomen PasienThypoidDi Rsi Siti Hajar Sidoarjo

Abstract: Compress methods performed by nurses vary widely, one of them by doing a warm compress on the large vein area, the neck and forehead but still need to do an assessment of the effectiveness of both methods. The purpose of this study was to determine changes in body temperature with the method of warm compresses on the abdominal wall of Thypoid Patients at RSI Siti IIajar Sidoarjo. The design of this research is descriptive. The variable of this research is Change of Body Temperature. The population of this study is all patients with thypoid as much as 20 respondents. Samples were taken with concecutive sampling technique of 20 respondents. Data collected by observation of body temperature decrease, then frequency distribution result with mean analysis show there is change of Body Temperature With Compress Method Warm on Thypoid Patient Abdomen Wall. So that can be drawn conclusion warm compress on abdomen wall area very effective at patient olthypoid at RSI Siti Hajar Sidoarjo.
Key Words: Arndominal Compres, Temperature, Thypoid
Penulis: EKA NUR S
Kode Jurnal: jpkeperawatandd170177

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