ABSTRACT: The objective of
research was to evaluate the length and diameter of coral Acropora formosa cultivated with different seed size
in Talengen Bay, Tabukan District, Sangihe Island Regency. Data were collected from May to June 2016. Experimental design used was Complete
Randomized Design with three treatments, each with three replications. Size of seed as treatment consisted of A: 5 cm, B: 7 cm and C: 10 cm. The experiment
was conducted using bench system
measuring 60 x 60 cm2, while coral seed was A.
formosa. The seed was gathered
from the nature around research location. Growth data and water quality
parameters were measured every two weeks .
Research results showed that the highest absolute length growth was
achieved in treatment A (average: 0.70 cm), followed by treatment C (average
0.46 cm) and the lowest was in treatment B (average 0.45 cm). The highest growth of coral diameter was
observed in treatment A (average 0.05 cm) and followed by treatment C (average
0.03 cm) and treatment B (0.03 cm). Statistical analysis showed that absolute
length growth and coral diameter were
not significant. A. formosa cultured
with different seed length in Talengen Bay had good growth in which the growth
in length was faster than the growth in diameter.
Keywords: Acropora Formosa.
Absolute growth, Talengen Bay
Penulis: Frischa A.
Sinipirang, Edwin L.A. Ngangi, Joppy D. Mudeng
Kode Jurnal: jpperikanandd160655