ABSTRACT: The problem of
Hemibagrus nemurus culture is availability of fish fingerlings, because H.
nemurus have cannibal character on fingerlings phase. From several research shown result that
photoperiod can decrease cannibal character in some catfish. Based on that information this research has
been done. Aimed of this research was to
known effect of photoperiod to H. Nemurus fingerlings om growth and survival
rate. This research used 3 treatment and
3 repetition, the treatment was cultivation of H nemurus fingerling on 24 hours
on day (treatment 1), 12 on dark and 12 on day (treatment 2) and on 24 hours on
dark (treatment 3). Result of this
research was fingerlings of H. nemurus were rared on 24 hours dark gived
significant growth and survival rate.
Form survival rate can showed that cannibal character at h. nemurus
fingerlings where rared on 24 darks has been decrease.
Keywords: Photoperiod to H,
survival rate, hemibagrus nemurus
Penulis: Benny Heltonika, Okta
Rizal Karsih
Kode Jurnal: jpperikanandd170141