Abstract: Abalone aquaculture
attracts wide attention nowadays because of its high market value and depleted
of wild stocks. China and Japan are the main producer of abalone from
aquaculture followed by other countries such as New Zealand, Australia and US.
Most of cultured abalone are temperate species but considerable research
efforts have been made to culture tropical abalone in the Philippines,
Thailand, and Indonesia. Most of abalone culture still depends on natural food
but recent studies have been conducted to develop artificial diet for abalone.
This will not only reduce wild harvest of macrolagae but also develop high
nutrition diet at low cost. Successful abalone aquaculture is determined by
correct nutrition supplement in the diet. As other cultured animal, abalone
requires balanced nutrition of carbohydrate, protein, lipid, vitamins, and
minerals. As herbivores, abalone can utilize carbohydrate efficiently as energy
source and thus only requires low level of protein (range from 27%—40%). Lipid
requirements range from 3%—5% while some minerals such as calcium and
phosphorus in artificial feed are only needed in small amount, 0.5% of calcium
in diets and 0.7% of phosphorus in the diet can improve the growth rate of
abalone. There is not available information of vitamin upplementation in the
diet but it is suggested that natural food meets the requirement.
Keywords: abalone; nutrition;
post larvae; juvenile
Author: Wa Iba
Journal Code: jpperikanangg080006