Logic Structure Determination (LSD) as a Computer Assisted Structure Elucidation (CASE) for Molecular Structure Determination of Cytotoxic Cembranoids from Soft Coral
Abstract: Indonesian tropical
soft corals are valuable resources that produce pharmacological cytotoxic
cembranoids. However, the manual
structure determination in these compounds requires adequate knowledge of
organic chemistry. This study presents the application of Logic Structure
Determination (LSD) as a freeware Computer Assisted Structure Elucidation
(CASE) for automatic molecular structure determination of cembranoid compounds
from soft corals species. 12 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) datasets of
cytotoxic cembranoids were used to evaluate the accuracy of LSD in generating
the possible structures. The results of this study shows that LSD generated
numerous possible molecular structures as the data input files were only
derived from 2D-NMR HMQC (Heteronuclear Multiple-Quantum Correlation), COSY
(Homonuclear Correlation Spectroscopy), and HMBC (Heteronuclear Multiple Bond
Correlation). The accuracy was significantly enhanced (only 2-4 possible
cembranoid structures from each NMR dataset) with the addition of H2BC
(Heteronuclear 2 Bond Correlation) experimental data. This may indicate that
VLRC (Very Long-Range Correlations) significantly affects LSD capability.
Furthermore, LSD with direct 2 bond NMR experimental data is a reliable CASE
technique for cembranoid compounds identification. In general, this
freeware-CASE has the potential to be applied
on other types of small molecule compounds and may serves as a solution
for elucidation bottleneck step in studies on Indonesian natural products.
Keywords: cembranoid, computer
assisted structure elucidation, logic structure determination, soft coral
Author: Hedi Indra Januar,
Neviaty Putri Zamani, Dedi Soedharma, Ekowati Chasanah
Journal Code: jpperikanangg160025