Abstract: Kerinci Lake is a
type of tectonic lakes located in a protected forest area of National Park of
Kerinci Sebelat and a source of various fish species important for local people
for their dayly food comsumption and income. However, few information is
available on limnological condition and fish resources. Field research
observing the limnological condition and estimating the potential fish
production was conducted four times in April, June, August and October 2013.
The research is aimed to describe the condition of limnology and estimate the
potential fish production of the lake. Limnological aspect included the
physico-chemical and biological parameters, namely: temperature, water
transparency, depth, substrate, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity,
ammonia, nitrate, phosphate, total phosphorus, chlorophyll-a and trophic state.
Potential fish production was calculated by using the biological parameter
levels of chlorophyll-a. The results show that the euphotic layer of the lake
waters was still feasible for fish life. Water condition of the bottom layer
was less supportable for fish life due to low dissolved oxygen content. Trophic
state index (TSI) values, either measured by temporal and spatial ways, had TSI
with an average of 61.75. From these index, the lake is classified as a lake at
the high productivity level (eutrophic). Annual fish production was an average
of 307 kg/ha/year. By taking account the average of fish production and the total
area of lake of around 4,200 ha, the potential fish production of Kerinci Lake
is estimated about ± 1,287 tons/year.
Keywords: Water quality;
trophic state; potential fish production; Kerinci Lake of Jambi; Sumatra
Author: Samuel, Ni Komang
Suryati, Vipen Adiansyah
Journal Code: jpperikanangg150017