Abstract: Fish resources
contribute to the socio-economic development for people who live surrounding
the waters. The fishermen of Ranau Lake, South Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South
Sumatra Province and West Lampung Regency, Lampung Province are the prime
stakeholder and direct interest in fish resources, because they depend on it
for their livelihoods or they are directly involved in its exploitation in some
ways. However, to well manage these resources, it needs data and information
about fish utilization and fishing activity. The objectives of this work are to
assess fishing activities such as the fishing craft and gears, catch
composition, fish yield, catch per unit of effort (CPUE) and to estimate the
fihermen income with economical parameter such as cost and price. Field surveys
were conducted from February to November 2014. Fishing activities data were
collected from field survey and interview. The results showed that fish
resources utilization in Ranau Lake was categorized as traditional and small
scale fisheries using different selective fishing gears such gillnet, harpoon,
net trap and basket trap with the fish catch in average of 696.66 g/day; 205.03
g/day; 1.584.06 g/day and 123.67 g/day, respectively. Fisherman income (IDR
2,163,300) means the fishermen in Ranau Lake reach standard Indonesian welfare.
Keywords: Fishery activity;
fish biodiversity; Ranau Lakea
Author: Dina Muthmainah, Subagdja,
Makri Makri, Dwi Atminarso, Safran Makmur
Journal Code: jpperikanangg150018