FLUCTUATING ASYMMETRY REFLECT THE GROWTH OF HYBRID GROUPER Epinephelus fuscoguttatus AND Epinephelus polyphekadion
Abstract: Fluctuating
asymmetry has been widely used as a measure of developmental stability and as
an indicator of individual fish growth. The present study compared fluctuating
asymmetry in three bilateral meristic traits of F-1 hybrid between female
Epinephelus fuscoguttatus and male Epinephelus polyphekadion and two F-1 pure
parental progenies. The fishes were reared by communal and separate tank
systems. Hybrids were confirmed by allozymes electrophoresis. After three
months of rearing, the F-1 hybrids fish grew faster 45.9% and 66.6% compare to
the F-1 pure parental progenies of E. fuscoguttatus and E. polyphekadion
(P<005) respectively. Development stability as measured by fluctuating
asymmetry was lower in hybrid (20%-40%) than in the pure parental progenies
(53%-80%). Among four enzyme loci examined, only Pgm locus showed variants and
at that locus all hybrids fish were heterozygous. Heterozygous hybrids showed
lower fluctuating asymmetry and related to higher developmental stability. The
higher developmental stability positively reflected a faster growth rate. Thus
this finding can be used to explain the reason that why hybrids groupers
appeared grew faster than parental species.
Keywords: assymmetry; hybrid;
Author: Ketut Sugama, Ahmad
Muzaki, I Gusti Ngurah Permana, Haryanti
Journal Code: jpperikanangg140047