RMTool; Sebuah Aplikasi Pemodelan Persyaratan Perangkat Lunak menggunakan UML
Abstract: Requirement
Engineering is one of stages in the software development. One of the challenges
in requirements engineering is the use of tools in modeling the requirements.
The number of requirements modeling applications does not guarantee that an
analyst can model the needs appropriately for the complexity of the
application, because the cost of modeling applications is too expensive to
affect the use of such applications to model the requirements. Another problem
faced by students on education is the difficulty in applying knowledge about
software engineering. For example, if students are given a project from the
industry, the requirements elicitation and modeling application are usually
needed. The tools used in the industry are sometimes not suitable for education
purposes. This paper aims to develop a tool for requirements modeling, to assist
novice analyst in learning and classifying UML diagrams as well as learning the
syntax. The tool is named RMTool, which is an object-oriented modeling tool
based on web. Testing is conducted both on the developer and the user
environment. Evaluation by end users involves 76 students as novice analyst to
test the effectiveness and usefulness of modeling tool using questionnaire. The
evaluation results show that the majority of students are satisfied using the
Penulis: Egia Rosi Subhiyakto,
Danang Wahyu Utomo
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170488