Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Game Petualangan Wisata Aceh pada Perangkat Mobile
Abstract: Aceh province has a
myriad of beautiful locations or attractions but still a small part that is
visited by tourists both local and foreign tourists. This is due to the lack of
promotion of the beauty of tourist attractions in Aceh. Game is one of the
media that can be used to promote the beauty and tourist location in Aceh. The
use of games for adventure games such as adventure to find tourist attractions
is a type of game that can be used as a media campaign. This game is expected
to make it easier for the public to get to know aceh from the tourist objects
and culture in it so that the curiosity of the people about Aceh province will
Penulis: Mursyidin
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170378