Penilaian Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Pembelajaran di SMK BidangTeknik (Sebuah Kajian Observasi)
Abstract: Implementation of
learning activities in the schools is the responsibility and authority of each
school to implement the established curriculum. Assessment is one of the
important activities that must be applied in every learning process. Learning
is the process of change that occurs in living things. The change in question
is a change in behavior and knowledge that occurs in a relatively permanent.
Recently, many learning models have been created that aim to create a different
learning environment than conventional learning. Schools selected in this
research are: SMK AL Mubarkeya, SMKN 2 Banda Aceh, SMK Muhammadiyah Banda Aceh,
SMKN 4 Banda Aceh, SMKN Flight, and SMKN 5 Banda Aceh. Based on the results of
the above research, it can be concluded that, almost all of the sample studies
schools have implemented Curriculum 2013 or K13 properly and perfectly. Almost
all schools have implemented creative learning methods, such as problem-based
learning, project-based learning, project-based instruction, inquiry and
cooperative learning.
Penulis: Sadrina, Muhammad
Ichsan M.Nasir
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170377