Perancangan Smart Card Reader Menggunakan STM32F4 Discovery Kit
Abstract: Smart card has been
a new trend as practical and secure authentication solution in online
transactions such as epayment, net-banking, e-money, and other online services.
The increasing of smart card-based applications demands higher supply of smart
card readers as well. Many types of smart card readers in the market have been
existed. However, their feature and software are mostly closed and can not be
modified to satisfy the application developer’s requirements to optimize the
performance and security of the applications. Therefore, a selfdesigned smart
card reader is needed to offer flexibility and ability to be costumized in
order to satisfy application developer’s needs. In this research, a smart card
reader is designed based on 32-bit microcontroller STM32F407VG which is
implemented on STM32F4 Discovery Kit. The proposed smart card reader is
evaluated by accessing information resides on the JCOP31 smart card which has
been pre-installed by applet with certain APDU. Evaluation results show that
the proposed smart card reader is able to access smart card properly, having
good portability on different platform machines and having good performance as
indicated by the CWT and CBT which are faster than the recommended ones.
Penulis: Agus Bejo, Mohamad
Faiz Hamzah, Addin Suwastono
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170497