Modifikasi Pattern Informatics untuk Prediksi Hotspot Aktivitas Seismik pada Gempa di Pulau Jawa
Abstract: Earthquake is a
serious problem in economic, social, and cultural point of view. The
forecasting and prediction can be one way solution in reducing the effects of
earthquakes in a region. In this paper, pattern informatics method was modified
with time parameters to conduct hotspot prediction of seismic activity for the
earthquake forecasting in Java. The experiment using seismic activity and
earthquake data in Java were conducted to examine the perfomance of proposed
method with several period prediction scenarios. The prediction results show an
improvement of prediction result and shorten the prediction period.
Penulis: Adi Wibowo, Asep
Insani, Boko Nurdiyanto S.
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170468