Temu Kembali Citra Busana Muslimah Berdasarkan Bentuk Menggunakan Curvature Scale Space (CSS)
Abstract: Nowadays in
Indonesia, Islamic woman's clothing has been popular and follows the latest
trend. Clothing with various color, texture, and shape are available.
Furthermore, the online clothing trading system is becoming more attractive,
which facilitates the users the apparel images through the websites. These
images can be retrieved by querying a text to the retrieval system. However,
the users face difficulties in describing the clothes precisely. Thus, a
retrieval method based on content, which is known as content-based image
retrieval (CBIR), is developed. Here, the content is represented by color,
texture, and shape. This paper aims to present and discuss an application of
Curvature Scale Space (CSS) as a shape feature for Islamic woman's clothing
retrieval system. The performance of retrieval results of three clothing
categories is analyzed: blouse-pant, long dress, and tunic, and used different
feature length. The simulations run with as many as 300 images from the three
categories, 100 images from each. Performance is measured in recall and
precision. The results are compared by applying another shape feature; that is
the histogram of gradient (HOG). The blouse-pant group achieves the highest
performance, followed by tunic and long dress categories. The different feature
length affects the retrieval performance; the longer the features, the lower
recall and precision values. The feature of length 4 achieves the highest
performance. The CSS is applied as the feature in CBIR of Islamic clothing,
results in higher performance than the HOG.
Penulis: Hayatun Maghfirah,
Fitri Arnia, Khairul Munadi
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170187