Perancangan Antena MIMO 2×2 Array Rectangular Patch dengan U-Slot untuk Aplikasi 5G
Abstract: The development of
5G wireless communications is targeted to increase the data rate compared to
the 4G. Considering the operation frequency under 6 GHz that has been used in
many applications, the operating frequencies above 6 GHz will be the most
potential frequency to be used in 5G wireless communication technologies. One
potential operating frequency above 6 GHz is 15 GHz. The benefits of using
frequency 15 GHz for 5G wireless communications are low rain and air
attenuations. Moreover, the 15 GHz wireless technology has less complexity than
other higher frequencies, such as 28 GHz and 60 GHz. This paper designs two
microstrip antennas using a 1×2 array of rectangular patch with U-Slot, which
is then arranged as MIMO two element system. The U-slot is added to improve
bandwidth of the antenna, while the 1×2 array improves gain more than 9 dB. The
MIMO two-element antenna decreases fading effect caused by channel and
increases data rate. The designed antenna has 1 GHz bandwidth from 14.4 to 15.4
GHz, with the minimum return loss of -18.69 dB, and the minimum VSWR of 1.26.
The isolation coefficient is -32 dB in the frequency range. As for
polarization, the axial ratio is 51.07 dB at -900, and the gain is 9.20 dBi
with unidirectional radiation pattern.
Kata Kunci: MIMO, Antena Larik, Mikrostrip, 5G, 15 GHz, U- Slot
Penulis: Kevin Jones A.S.,
Levy Olivia N., Budi Syihabuddin
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170189