Survey Tingkat Penggunaan Single Sign On pada 500 Situs Peringkat Teratas
ABSTRACT: Advances in Internet
technology has provided a new market for the growth of the service provider.
New sites appear in large numbers every year. This gives a new problem for
users of the service. Users are forced to memorize many username and password
to access the service. Overcoming it is a new emerging technology, the
technology called Single Sign On (SSO). SSO offers simple authentication
process for users to access many services sites. But the level of confidence of
users and service providers, in the use of SSO technology have not been
investigated. In this research shows that the rate of utilizing the SSO
technology of the top 500 sites on by 31% (155 websites). And the
level of utilization of the SSO more than one provider, by 41%. In studies it
appears that the most used SSO services provider is google followed by facebook
and twitter. (turnitin check 9%) Keyword— Single Sign On (SSO), Computer
Security, Authentication
Penulis: I Wayan Manik
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170049