Sinyal Elektrik untuk Memperkaya Pengendalian Robot Jarak Jauh
Abstract: A remote control
operator enables a robot to perform in a hazard or area which can not be
reached by humans. To control the robot, several researchers have equipped a
robot with a system which can give others types of feedback information,
besides of visual feedback from the robot. One of the feedback types is haptic
feedback. The aim of this feedback is to make the operator become immersed with
the robot. The existing researchers are using electro-mechanics system.
However, these systems are complex, bulky, and hence prevent a seamless
embodiment between an operator’s body. The objective of this research is to
develop a haptic feedback system combined with stereo vision feedback which
compact, versatile and easy to fit. This system is tested to accomplish the
task using mobile robot and robot arm. The result shows that this system can
help the operator to control robot better.
Penulis: Daniel Sutopo
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170324