Pendeteksi dan Pengaman Kebocoran Gas LPG Berbasis Mikrokontroler AVR Atmega 16

Abstract: LPG gas leak detection and safety ATmega16 Microcontroller-based  is using TGS 2610 sensor is used to detect leakage of LPG gas. This appliance is equipped with a buzzer and LCD as indicator in case of leakage, servo motor serves to close the valve on the gas hose and fan will blow the gas out of the room. Sensor on this tool can detect a leak of gas in 2,5 second which placed 3 cm from source of the leak. This sensor works with 1,9 volt output voltage, the greater concentration of the gas that comes out, greater the output voltage of the sensor. this tool work according to the designed parameters of each component in the circuit. To get a better setting, servo motor speed needs to be considered based on the volume of gas that comes out.
Keywords: Atmega 16 Microcontroller, Sensor TGS 2610, LCD, Buzzer, 12 volt DC Fan and Servo Motors
Penulis: Habibullah
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd150867

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