Pemodelan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Angin Untuk Analisis Aliran Daya
Abstract: Wind
farms plant has been developed in many countries especially those having large
wind energy potential. If the wind
turbine is connected /
interconnected grid power systems, can
caused operational problems of
the system. Therefore modeling of wind farms to power flow analysis is needed
to determine the effect that caused the system.
Varied plant located on 5-bus system. then the power system model
modified by adding of wind farms on the system, generator used is an induction
generator. The method used in this study is Newton-Raphson method and
assistance MATLAB program to calculate the power flow in the system Where these
calculations are used to determine the effect of wind farms in the power system. the combining wind farms
on one bus in the power system, where the wind turbines have input Pm and
output (Pg + jQg), power flow model of the induction generator there are two
series impedance, and 1 impedance shunt, so that there exist two internal buses
connected to the bus 5.
The results obtained in this study is to add wind farms on the system can
increase the capacity of power generated on the system.But the impact of this
model is the system voltage profile to be ugly,so that the added capacitor bank
wind turbine to supply reactive power of induction generator. After the
addition of the capacitor bank in wind turbines occurring on the bus voltage is
more varied and can improve the voltage profile of the system.
Penulis: Dermanus Niko
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170114