Abstract: IP Camera is one
type of surveillance camera system that allows users to monitor a room or a
specific place. The recording of the camera is stored on an NVR (Network Video
Recorder) device and to display the recording
of the camera using a PC monitor. For
monitoring, usually using a local network, this is certainly not
effective if the room is abandoned by the owner. In this final project configure
IP Camera to be accessed through
internet network and evaluate QoS internet network. From the research results
can be concluded that IP camera monitoring can be done through internet
network. The average internet access speed measurement at the Faculty of
Engineering Tanjungpura University for download and upload each valued at 10.81
Mbps and 6.39 Mbps. The delay result is 186.50 ms. Compared to the standardized
network performance based on TIPHON, it is included in the "good"
category. Meanwhile, when compared with the standardization of network performance based on ITU-T, then
included in either category. The result of packet loss is 1%. Compared to the standardized
network performance based on TIPHON, it belongs to the "very good"
category. While compared with the standardization of network performance based on ITU-T, it is
included in the "good" category. The throughput result
is 46.82 Kbps. Compared to
the standardized network performance based on TIPHON, it
belongs to the "bad" category. Factors that cause the decline in network quality is
the unstable internet network caused by the large number of internet users in
the Faculty of Engineering Tanjungpura University.
Penulis: Ajie Pambudhi
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170095