Evaluation of Project-Based Learning at a Polytechnic in Malaysia: an Input Aspect Evaluation Research
Abstract: The purpose of the
study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Project-Based Learning in the
Mechanical Engineering Department at the Polytechnic in Malaysia. This study
was designed with Context, Input, Process and Product (CIPP) model.
Project-Based Learning is a different approach than the traditional learning in
the sense that it is a student-centered learning approach based on the
principles of constructivism. However, this present paper focused on the input
aspect with comparing students’ and supervisor’ perspective. The input
dimension assesses the module and supervisor’s readiness. This study involved a
random sample of 118 students and 43 supervisors in the Mechanical Engineering
Department in Polytechnic Kota Bharu Malaysia. The instrument used in this
study were a set of questionnaire. The study found that both the students and
supervisors agreed that Project-Based Learning approach is appropriate for the
final project course J5012. In addition, both groups of respondents believed
that the supervisors possesed adequate technical knowledge and implemented
supervisory duties effectively. Nevertheless, students perceived the module
content was hard to understand.
Penulis: Sadrina, Ramlee
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd160730