Sistem Informasi Geografis Risiko Kemunculan Rip Current Menggunakan Decision Tree C4.5
Abstract: One of the dangers
that occur at the beach is rip current. Rip current poses significant danger
for beachgoers. This paper proposes a method to predict the rip current's
occurence risk by using decision tree generated using C4.5 algorithm. The
output from the decision tree is rip current's occurrence risk. The case study
for this research is the beach located at Rote Island, Rote Ndao, Nusa Tenggara
Timur. Evaluation result shows that the accuracy is 0.84, and the precision is
0.61. The average recall value is 0.68 and the average F-measure is 0.59 in the
range 0 to 1.
Penulis: Made Leo Radhitya,
Agus Harjoko
Kode Jurnal: jptinformatikadd160320