Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pemantauan Dan Evaluasi Pelayanan Kesehatan Dasar Pada Ibu Berdasarkan SPM
Abstract: Dinas Kesehatan in
Surabaya is a Surabaya city government agencies responsible for public health
Surabaya.To achieve the goal of basic health, Dinas Kesehatan Surabaya using
the Minimum Service Standards that have been made by the Minister of Health of
the Republic of Indonesia. Use of Minimum Service Standards (SPM) in the
Primary Health Care is used as abenchmark in achieving the health needs of the
Indonesian people, especially maternal health. The solution to the above
problems is to make the Design of Information Systems Monitoring and Evaluation
of Primary Health Care Based On Mother's SPM is designed to help the
coordinator Maternal and Child Health (Kia) and Head of the Section of Health
in terms of monitoring andevaluation. So as to achieve minimum service
standards in each health center
Keywords: Minimum Service
Standards (SPM), Monitoring and Evaluation
Penulis: Ardhiyan Pratama
Sulistiowati, Yoppy Mirza Maulana
Kode Jurnal: jptinformatikadd160630